Gooseberries can be enjoyed fresh but are excellent for baking and preserving. A favourite in jams and tarts, they also make tasty chutney. Their distinctive sweet-sour flavour works well in pies, either on their own or with other berries, especially blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.

Gooseberries are high in vitamin C and contain potassium, vitamins B1, B2 and A.

Look for berries that are firm and not wrinkled, clear and bright in colour.

How to store gooseberries

  • Arrange unwashed on a paper towel in a shallow pan.
  • Loosely cover, refrigerate unwashed for up to ten days.

How to freeze gooseberries

  • Do not wash gooseberries before freezing them.
  • Pack the berries into freezer bags and store in the freezer for up to one year.

How to prepare gooseberries

  • Rinse in cool water.
  • Remove stem from top of berry and the dried remains of the flower from the other end.
  • The larger, dark berries make excellent jellies. Small green berries are highly prized for their flavour in pies.