We are proud that our facility, Les Petits Fruits de Pré-d’en-haut, is certified to CanadaGAP, the national food safety certification program for fresh produce suppliers.
Certification is the term used by CanadaGAP to describe the determination by a qualified authority that the supplier meets the standard and that its food safety program is being maintained on an ongoing basis.
Certification to CanadaGAP indicates that our company has a system of procedures in place to minimize the risk of contamination to product. We implement Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and maintain an effective food safety program. We demonstrate food safety vigilance by adhering to a system of processes that are monitored by an independent third party on an ongoing basis.
CanadaGAP, founded by the Canadian Horticultural Council, is the first Canadian food safety program to achieve international recognition by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).